
Why Småland’s Willo is a world leader in small industrial parts

Willo delivers to technology giants worldwide, and in 2022, the company will exceed an annual turnover of SEK 200 million. Our customers are market leaders who appreciate Willo's small, but essential products. The products are small, but critical. Our customers are in the primary segments of industry, Energy, Medtech and Mold-tech

“Fantastic development”

Johan Backgård is sales and marketing manager at Willo and has been part of the journey from component supplier to complete supplier.

“This has been a fantastic development. We passed a turnover of 200 million SEK this year, which twice the turnover of 2016. The main reason is that we have followed our customers’ developments and been responsive and flexible.”

“We have also stuck to our strategy and business plan, which is to work with different industries and avoid “niching” ourselves, even when facing challenges in the form of continuous competence development and a very high pace of development and investment.”

It is the ability to deliver a comprehensive product that makes Willo so unique. This is difficult and requires both knowledge and financial resources.


Major industrial companies

Willo’s customers include major, world-leading technology companies, packed with engineers searching for solutions to the problems of the future, such as applications for hydrogen and various methods of improving energy efficiency. One of Willo’s customers is developing systems with advanced flue gas recycling that simultaneously produces electricity.

The nuclear power industry also uses Willo as a supplier. The components Willo supplies increases safety because they meet the strict requirements that have been set.

“Energy is a critical issue for everyone today. We can make a contribution with our parts,” says Johan Backgård.

Why is Willo unique, in your opinion?

“For two reasons. One is that we provide details that many believe are too small and complex to manufacture, and they are of high quality. Secondly, the entire process is gathered in house. Many of our competitors often deliver to one segment, while our strategy is to ensure a broad scope. We have succeeded in this, even though it places great demands on us,” says Johan Backgård.


Close cooperation

The consolidation agenda is clear, as large companies are interested in strengthening their cooperation with fewer suppliers. For the suppliers, this means constantly new and higher requirements for knowledge and expertise.

“To meet those requirements, we have expanded our network of competent subcontractors. However, we also have to learn the entire process ourselves, since we are the ones who must approve and quality assure the product.

Business with the type of customers Willo has is based on very close relationships. We have strong trust in one another.

“We are living proof that we keep our promise every day in every delivery.